Your questions answered

Will it work in my industry, business or for my problem?


Yes, it will. Different businesses often experience similar growing pains, but that doesn’t mean they can be solved in the same way. As an ActionCOACH, I work with hundreds of profit-building strategies to suit whatever industry, business or challenge you have, and can turn to thousands of experienced coaches in my network about more specialist problems. My goal is to help at least one business in every industry, so I welcome working within all sorts of sectors.

How much time or work will I have to put in?


The aim is to change what you do with your time, not put more in. The initial learning curve of working differently, taking on new tasks and implementing new ideas, can feel like an effort in the beginning. But after a few months, you’ll soon be back within your comfort zone and achieving a lot more with the same, or less, work. The programme involves two hours of face-to-face or video-call coaching per month, and implementing any agreed decisions or homework within your business by your agreed deadline. You will be supported at every step, at no extra cost.

Will it cost me to implement my new business strategy?


Some of the business decisions you make as a result of coaching may involve investing in infrastructure, marketing or people. But these decisions will be measured, considered and deemed necessary to achieve the business growth you desperately want. Not investing could stifle your growth, meaning you’ll never get to where you want to be. In many cases, business owners save money by exposing approaches that aren’t working.

How long do I have to sign up for?


Only 30 days! If you decide coaching isn’t for you, you can cancel anytime with 30 days’ notice. It often takes six months to see real sustainable change in your business, despite any immediate quick fixes you might also benefit from. But you are covered by my money-back growth guarantee during that time, so you have nothing to lose from committing to those six months.

How much do you charge?


Packages range from £495 to £10,000 plus VAT a month please call us on 0207 993 2420 or email me at to find out what program is right for you.

Let’s talk about growing my business

If you want to grow the business you truly want, ask my team about our free profit-growth session. For 90-minutes we’ll explore what you want from your business, where you are now, what needs to change and by how much to get to where you want to be. You’ll gain so much clarity.