Founder of advertising agency goes from burnout to 300% growth and 2-hour days - London Business Coach Jamie Goral - ActionCOACH

Founder of advertising agency goes from burnout to 300% growth and 2-hour days

George Meressa, the man behind paid advertising agency Clear Ads, was dealing with an overwhelming amount of work. His team was also pushed to the limit. But in 4 months he went from working 16 hours a day to 2 hours a day, all while massively growing his business. Here, George talks about how he turned things around with the help of ActionCOACH Jamie Goral.

“Hey, I’m George. I’m the founder of Clear Ads.

We’re a paid advertising agency here in the UK and I’ve been working with Jamie since around June this year. We’ve been running as a business for a while and we’ve been growing slowly, organically. And then this year we kind of took a much faster pace in our growth due to Covid.

At that point in March/April, I was working about 16 hours a day, most days. That is all I was doing – working. And when I came on board with Jamie, he’s helped me create a team around me that could do the job better than I can.

Since the beginning of the year until now, we have grown by over 300%. Our team has gone from seven to now 21. And over the last two weeks or so I’ve been working around two hours a day. So you can see a massive shift from working 16 hours a day to two hours a day. And this is a great deal due to Jamie.

So Jamie from ActionCOACH has helped me make best use of my time. And obviously the time I work on the business is now just going to increase, I’m going to spend more time working on it. But I thought I’ll slow it down.

So we have a team around us that are just epic and we just continue to grow, and he’s been a fantastic support. For us it’s specifically with training, with recruiting, and just personal development for me.

Another big benefit about Jamie is he reads so many books, so any issue I have he’s got two or three books to recommend that I can listen to or read.

George Meressa, Owner, Clear Ads