Digital Marketing Expert: “These Mistakes are KILLING Your BUSINESS” Masterclass in Lead Generation

Is your online content optimised for converting website traffic into customers? Well, Steve Pailthorpe is the Founder & CEO of Iconic Digital and an expert in the field of Digital Marketing. Steve makes his second appearance on the #bizxpodcast with all you need to know in the field, with valuable insights to future-proof your business for 2024 and onwards. From unravelling the mysteries of SEO to crafting compelling website designs, mastering newsletters, navigating the social media landscape, decoding the intricacies of cookies, optimising ad budgets, and harnessing the power of AI effectively, Steve explores into each aspect with unparalleled depth and detail. This episode is a goldmine of knowledge you won’t want to miss! Steve is widely recognized as a lead practitioner in the fields of digital marketing and Search Engine Optimisation having gained international recognition through his publications.