Is your team thriving on positivity or flailing in toxicity? The attitude and outlook of your employees can make or break your team, especially when it comes to morale, efficiency, and effectiveness. With more businesses shifting to remote work or handling unexpected circumstances, COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of promoting positivity within your team.

Your organization likely already has a list of defined metrics for measuring performance. Do you have the same tracking in place for recognizing and rewarding your team? Performance is just one factor when building a team and promoting your employees. Keep reading to learn how to promote positivity within your team.

Build Trust

While high performing team members are the obvious candidates for promotion, they may be difficult to find from time to time. You should not overlook team members that trust you, your team, and your organization, even if they are not among your top performers. If trust is an issue for your team, it is essential to promote positivity by building trust.

Trust can only come if you build and maintain healthy relationships within the workplace. Learn how to relate to your colleagues, and encourage them to relate to one another. Creating opportunities for social interactions can help build relationships among team members. It is also important to schedule regular check-ins and use the opportunity to listen to your employees.

Acknowledge Milestones, Big and Small

Major milestones are easy to identify and often the most recognized accomplishments. While it is important to appreciate big wins, it is equally important to acknowledge the little wins as well. Major goals can be broken down into small steps, each as important as the next. Celebrate your team as they push towards goals and provide plenty of motivation to keep moving forward.

Little wins also include people who are behind the scenes. A big accomplishment usually requires multiple team members, and not everyone gets the recognition they deserve. Be sure to acknowledge the un-thanked employees who often get lost in the background. This practice can help build positivity and promote loyalty among your valued staff.

Express Gratitude

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly brought many challenges for businesses, but all organizations face hurdles. Expressing gratitude, even in the most difficult times, can keep your employees motivated and positive. It is easy to slow down or throw in the towel when challenges arise, but appreciating your employees can make them feel valued and respected.

There are countless ways to express your gratitude for your team, and you can never do it too much. From complimenting your team members to offering a simple thanks, gratitude can be big or small. If possible, consider letting your employees take off early or surprise everyone with lunch. You know your team best, so you can decide what will make the biggest impact.

Keep Your Words Positive

Managers and leaders are not exempt when it comes to negativity or toxicity within teams. In fact, managers can be the root of the problem. Monitor your words and how you communicate with your team. Are you highlighting the positive or focusing on the negative?

Even difficult times can be met with positive messaging. Your team will take cues from the way you speak and the words you use. You do not have to pretend issues do not exist or sweep problems under the rug, but avoid falling into a spiral of negativity and despair.